Я еще здесь:) И иногда шью мишек))
Рада представить вам нового мишку Мирко. 16 см, мохер, вискоза, и прочее. Надеюсь, он вам понравится.
I'm still here :) And sometimes I make teddy bears))
I am pleased to introduce you to a new bear Mirko. 16 cm, mohair, rayon, and so forth. I hope that you like him.
Ищет новый дом.
Looking for a new home.
Я еще здесь:) И иногда шью мишек))
Рада представить вам нового мишку Мирко. 16 см, мохер, вискоза, и прочее. Надеюсь, он вам понравится.
I'm still here :) And sometimes I make teddy bears))
I am pleased to introduce you to a new bear Mirko. 16 cm, mohair, rayon, and so forth. I hope that you like him.
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If you're attempting to lose weight then you certainly have to start using this brand new custom keto diet.
ОтветитьУдалитьTo produce this service, licensed nutritionists, fitness trainers, and professional cooks have united to develop keto meal plans that are efficient, painless, economically-efficient, and delicious.
Since their grand opening in early 2019, hundreds of individuals have already transformed their body and well-being with the benefits a proper keto diet can provide.
Speaking of benefits; in this link, you'll discover eight scientifically-confirmed ones offered by the keto diet.