Мой новый любимый мишка Билли. Рост 16,5 см. Сшит из мохера, внутри синтепух и стеклянный гранулят, 6 шплинтов (голова качается), стеклянные глазки, вылепленный носик, тонирован маслом.
Billy is my new lovely teddy bear. He is 6.5 incnhes tall. Made of mohair, filled with polyfill and glass pellets. 5-way disk-joined with a wobble head. Glass eyes, nose is sculpted from polymere. Toned with oil paints.
Billy is my new lovely teddy bear. He is 6.5 incnhes tall. Made of mohair, filled with polyfill and glass pellets. 5-way disk-joined with a wobble head. Glass eyes, nose is sculpted from polymere. Toned with oil paints.