За окном лежит снег, а у меня в руках маленький кусочек лета. Его зовут Ромка. Ростом 22 см, сам стоять не умеет. Сшит из винтажного плюша, набит опилками и шерстью, 5 шплинтов.
Snow is outside my window, but I have a little piece of summer in my hands .His name is Romka. Growth of 22 cm, can't stand. Made from vintage plush, filled with wood shavings and wool, full jointed.
Snow is outside my window, but I have a little piece of summer in my hands .His name is Romka. Growth of 22 cm, can't stand. Made from vintage plush, filled with wood shavings and wool, full jointed.